Design Exploration — Mapshare

Imam Fajar
3 min readJun 24, 2019

Dribbble :

Once upon a time, i was traveling with my friends using 3 motorcycles. we have a plan to going to a beach, about 50 km away from my dorms. the day has come, we were prepared and set destination using one of the most popular map app, and ready to GO!

we were enjoying our trip, looking at ricefields, a hills, forest, and much more. until we were realized, one of our motorcycle (which ride by 2 of our friends) has gone, nobody know where they are! so we make a decision to doing U-Turn to find our friends. in the meantime, our friends who lost, don’t know where they are, they were trying to set destination and following the path but they could not find us! and in the end we are using share location inside the chat app.

So, what is wrong with them? are they seems don’t care about each other so they left them behind? or there’s something missing, some problem that must be solved? what is that?

Till now, i have a single conclusion about it…

“we care about our friends, app doesn’t”

The App

The problem that i found is Current map app does not provide share location and movement in real time, that’s why i created this app concept to solve this problem.


in this page, user will provide route window so they can easily set route without go further into burger menu. this decision can caused reduction of map in the background but still map has a decent size area.

This app has 2 type of user which is Leader and Follower.


Leader is user who lead the way and provide the route, we can call it people with experience about the track that they went through. the symbol of leader is yellow circular.


Follower is user who follow the track that provided by Leader.follower just need to scan the QR code and the app will provide a real time tracker. Follower symbol is other color than yellow.

Thank You for Reading!

